Oraculos Astrology

Admission &

Admission Criteria

Successful students at OSA:

     Are passionate about practicing concrete, event-based, demonstrable Astrology.

     Demonstrate the ability to function well within a hands-on learning environment.

     Willingly participate in class as a means of demonstrating their understanding.

     Learn with a spirit of openness, humility, and respect for both the teachings and the teachers/mentors.

     Fulfill all the necessary coursework and certification requirements.

     Display sufficient English-language proficiency to participate in class and understand what is being taught.

In general, our Foundations of Classical Astrology (FOCA) program is open to all. We offer education to all students regardless of their cultural, political, spiritual, or personal background. However, we reserve the right to deny admission to either FOCA or higher level courses for reasons other than those listed above.


All students pay the same tuition. OSA does not offer scholarships or other forms of tuition exemption for any student. However, we do offer flexible financial plans that allow students to pay their tuition in installments.


Full Tuition

Per Semester

>Astrologer's Diploma Program (Year 1)



>Astrologer's Diploma Program (Year 2)



>Uranian Astrology Program



Withdrawal from Program

If a student withdraws from an individual semester or an entire program, OSA will retain a portion of their tuition based on the following refund schedule.

Date of Student Withdrawal
Portion of Tuition that is Eligible of Being Retained by OSA
On or Before First Day of Class
= 25%
After First Day; within 25% of the Course
= 75%
After 25%
= 100%

Late Enrollment

It is often the case that prospective students contact us to begin a program weeks after the program has already started. We often oblige these students on a case-by-case basis and go to considerable lengths to accommodate them within the already established community of students.

However, effective immediately, late enrollment students must pay the full tuition of the semester for which they are enrolling. Also, should a late enrollment student decide to withdraw from the program, that student will not receive a refund of their tuition.Â