Oraculos Astrology

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magical webinars & events!

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    Upcoming Events


    Join us in this FREE WEBINAR SERIES as we dive into the esoteric significance and the concrete meanings of the planets in astrology. We will explore the planetary glyphs, how they derive their natures based on the Tetrabiblos, their significations in medical astrology, and each planet’s core meaning in natal astrology.

    Date: 31 July 2024 | 2:00PM – 3:30PM


    In celebration of being back in action on YouTube, I would like to invite you to a Blind Chart Reading demonstration. Bring your own chart or invite a friend to do the same and you may be selected to receive a reading!

    In a blind chart reading, I use every astrological skill at my disposal to search for details of concrete life events from your natal chart. It’s not for the weak of heart, but it is an exciting learning opportunity! I look forward to sharing the magic of concrete astrology with you once again!

    Date: 19 June 2024 | 2:00PM EDT


    Mychal would like to invite you to attend a free live recording of “Next Week’s Astrology” on June 23rd at 2:00pm EDT. He will explore the various ways the planetary combinations manifest on a physical, emotional, spiritual, and global level. 

    Stick around for our Q&A session where you can bring whatever questions you have about any part of your astrology practice.


    23rd June  | 2:00pm EST

    All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

    The Twelve Terrestrial Houses Portals of Destiny (Part 3): Ninth to Twelve House

    Join Mychal this Monday, 17 June 2024, as he dives into the hidden dimensions of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth houses. You will learn how the houses derive their meaning, the planets that support and hinder the destiny of the houses, and how the rulers of the houses are impacted by being in other houses of the natal chart.

    Date: 17 June 2024 | 2:00pm EDT

    Transits of Uranus: Preparation for when Lightning Strikes with Judith Hill!

    Learn everything you need to know about Uranus transits to the natal chart and how to remediate its effects. In this lecture, you will discover: 

      •  Hidden dimensions of Uranus
      •  How the transits of Uranus impact every planet and node
      •  Judith’s secret “double Uranus” transits
      •  How to remediate afflictions of Uranus

    At the end of this lecture, you will know everything you need in order to navigate these electrifying transits with stability, clarity, and ease and also to help your clients do the same.

    Saturday, 6 JULY 2024 | 2:00 PM EDT


    Finding Where You Belong

    Astro*Carto*Graphy (ACG) is a powerful way of finding out where you will be happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilled in this lifetime. In this intensive, you will learn the mechanics behind ACG and how you can use it to unlock your places of power on this planet.

    At the end of this weekend you will:

      • Know how to interpret what you are looking at on an ACG map
      • Understand the inner nature of the planets and which planetary combinations can help you attain your desired outcomes
      • Learn how to find places that will bring you the most abundance, health, fortune, love, and success in achieving your life goals

    Come and join us for this extraordinary learning experience!


    Start Date: 7 June 2024 |

    Friday | 4:00PM – 7:00PM EDT
    Saturday | 1:00PM – 4:00PM EDT
    Sunday | 1:00PM – 4:00PM EDT

    Prediction in Relocational Astrology

    In this second part of our ACG training, you will learn how to combine predictive astrology with ACG! We will explore:

      • How to look at transits, secondary progressions, and solar arc directions on an ACG map.
      • How to use ACG to aid in birth time rectification.
      • How to give a comprehensive ACG reading.
      • How to predict the events a client will encounter after relocation.

    At the end of this program, you will have everything you need to both pass the official ACG certification exam and begin a comprehensive ACG practice!


    Start Date: 14 June 2024 |

    Friday | 4:00PM – 7:00PM EDT
    Saturday | 1:00PM – 4:00PM EDT
    Sunday | 1:00PM – 4:00PM EDT


    Learn how to predict romance, marriage, and divorce in the birth chart! In this masterclass you will learn Mychal’s top techniques for accurately assessing the future of a person’s love life. 

    You will learn:

      • Which cosmic influences support love and which factors deny it.
      • How to identify the love experiences a person naturally gravitates towards.
      • How to describe the singularly most impactful relationship a person will ever have from their natal chart.
      • BONUS: Assess the compatibility between couples using a broad range of practical techniques.


    Saturday, 17 February 2024 | 4:00pm – 7:00pm EST

    All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST).


    Do you have burning questions about your astrology practice? Join us for our FREE Q&A segment in which Mychal shares his insights on all things astrological! Bring any question you have about the study, techniques, philosophy, or profession of astrology and Mychal will provide you answers based on his astrological practice.


    Wednesday, 8th November  | 1:30pm EDT

    All times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).


    Join us for an astrological troubleshooting extravaganza! Mychal will take the questions and charts of members of our live online audience to help them navigate some of their major concrete problems. Mychal will help people get clear about some of the biggest issues they are currently facing and give them tools to help them navigate those challenges with clarity and ease. You can come just to see Mychal use all the astrological tools and skills at his disposal to help people get the answers they need. You can also bring your burning questions and you just might get chosen to have your chart read!


    Tuesday, 24th October  | 1:30pm EDT
    Wednesday, 25th October  | 1:30pm EDT

    All times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

    Featured Courses

    Foundations of Classical Astrology (FOCA)

    Join us for our upcoming Foundations of Classical Astrology (FOCA) course! In this program you will learn everything you need to know in order to begin a successful, accurate, and result-oriented astrology practice. This program is our proven fast-track to take you to a high level of astrological proficiency over the course of 14-weeks. At the end of the semester, you will have worked fully through the OSA syllabi outlined in Mastering Traditional Astrology and Horary Astrology & the Natal Promise. This will allow you to practice any branch of astrology — and particularly horary astrology — with clarity, confidence, and ease.

    FOCA is the first semester of our two year Professional Astrologer’s Diploma Program.

    Schedule: September 14  –  December 22, 2024

    Natal Astrology Summer Intensive

    Do you want to master the skills that will allow you to confidently give accurate and detailed natal astrology readings? Join us for our upcoming natal astrology intensive!

    In this course, you will learn:

      • OUR SIGNATURE SYSTEM: Mychal’s secret formula for describing concrete events from the natal chart.
      • FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY: How to assess the three stages of financial wealth within a person’s life.
      • ANCESTRAL ASTROLOGY: Methods for describing the dynamics between multiple family member’s from a single birth chart.
      • ROMANCE ASTROLOGY: A systematic approach to describing the past, present, and future of a person’s romantic life.
      • VOCATIONAL ASTROLOGY: Tools for assisting clients in identifying their path of greatest career happiness in this lifetime.

    At the end of this intensive, you will have everything you need in order to begin a lifetime practice of accurate natal astrology that you and your clients can rely on.

    Schedule: 4 – 10 August, 2024 | 12:30 – 3:30 PM EDT

    Price: $360 USD

    Horary Astrology Summer Intensive: Beyond the Basics

    Come and join us for a weeklong immersion into the extraordinary power of horary astrology! We will journey through the twelve houses and learn how to answer a multitude of questions with skilfulness and confidence. We will unlock the logic behind horary delineation so that you can automatically apply these techniques within your client work.

    We’ll cover:

      •  Formulae for addressing the most common questions that arise in an astrological consultation.
      •  How to time events using horary astrology.
      •  Methods for answering multiple questions from a single horary chart.
      •  Consultation charts and how to integrate them into a client practice.
      •  Questions that involve multiple options that are derived from the same house within the chart.

    Schedule: 11 – 17 August, 2024 | 12:30 – 3:30 PM EDT

    Price: $360 USD


    PREREQUISITE: Only for OSA graduates or students at the PCA-3 level or past participants in from Medical Astrology Spring Intensive 2023.

    The Trans-Neptunian Planets (TNPs) are a core element of Uranian Astrology. However, they are also the source of a great amount of ridicule that this system receives from the larger astrological community. In this 4-month research intensive, we will set out to either prove or disprove that the TNPs represent a real body of stellar influences that directly impact the concrete events that occur within our lives. We will do this through gathering data from live volunteers and search for corroborating evidence within their charts using the Trans-Neptunian Planets.


    Start Date: Saturday 6 January 2024 | 11:00am EST

    All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST).


    Do you want to practice astrology in a more concrete and accurate way? Do you want to deepen your understanding of how various planetary combinations manifest in the real world? Then join our upcoming Uranian Astrology Immersion! Uranian Astrology is a powerful system of astrological assessment that allows us to gain a powerful new perspective on our natal charts. In this upcoming program, you will learn everything you need in order to begin practicing this incredible system for yourself and with your clients.


    Start Date: Tuesday 30 January 2024 | 5:00pm – 7:00pm EST

    All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST).


    Learn and apply the foundations of Medical Astrology in this chart reading intensive. We will cover Renaissance Medical Astrology, medical parans, declination, Arabic Parts and midpoints. You’ll learn cutting-edge ways of working with Medical Astrology using techniques from Uranian Astrology and Cosmobiology. We’ll explore the natal Part of Sickness and how it can give clues to periods of decreased vitality in our lives. We will also cover the timing of medical events through example charts of the onset, curing, and recurrence of diseases using Solar and Lunar Returns, Embolismic Lunations, Secondary Directions, Solar Arc Directions, and Transits.

    Click HERE for more info & registration.

    For upcoming Courses